Advance Payment Program Release Packet v1.0 – Definitions


The definitions set forth above for the terms “Trust” and “Release” are specifically incorporated  herein by reference as if fully set forth in this section.

All capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the same meaning ascribed to them  in the Chapter 11 Plan (as defined below).

Abuse” means sexual conduct or misconduct, sexual abuse or molestation, sexual exploitation,  indecent assault or battery, rape, pedophilia, ephebophilia, sexually related psychological or  emotional harm, humiliation, anguish, shock, sickness, disease, disability, dysfunction, or  intimidation, any other sexual misconduct or injury, contacts or interactions of a sexual nature,  including the use of photography, video, or digital media, or other physical abuse or bullying or  harassment without regard to whether such physical abuse or bullying is of a sexual nature,  between a child and an adult, between a child and another child, or between a non-consenting adult and another adult, in each instance without regard to whether such activity involved explicit force,  whether such activity involved genital or other physical contact, and whether there is or was any  associated physical, psychological, or emotional harm to the child or non- consenting adult.

Abuse Claim” means a liquidated or unliquidated Claim against a Protected Party (including the  Settling Insurance Companies), a Limited Protected Party, or an Opt-Out Chartered Organization  or any of their respective Representatives (in their capacities as such) that is attributable to, arises  from, is based upon, relates to, or results from, directly, indirectly, or derivatively, alleged  Scouting-related Abuse that occurred prior to the Petition Date, including any such Claim that  seeks monetary damages or other relief, under any theory of law or equity whatsoever, including  vicarious liability, alter ego, respondeat superior, conspiracy, fraud, including fraud in the inducement, any negligence-based or employment-based theory, including vicarious liability, alter ego, respondeat superior, conspiracy, fraud including fraud in the inducement, any negligence-based or employment-based theory, including negligent hiring, selection, supervision, retention or misrepresentation, any other theory based  upon, or directly or indirectly related to any insurance relationship, the provision of insurance or  the provision of insurance services to or by any Protected Parties, or misrepresentation,  concealment, or unfair practice, breach of fiduciary duty, public or private nuisance, gross  negligence, willful misconduct, or any other theory, including any theory based on or related to  public policy or any act or failure to act, or failure to warn by a Protected Party, a Limited Protected  Party, an Opt-Out Chartered Organization, any of their respective Representatives (in their  capacities as such) or any other Person for whom any Protected Party, Limited Protected Party, or  Opt-Out Chartered Organization is alleged to be responsible (including any such Claim that has  been asserted or may be amended to assert in a proof of claim alleging Abuse, whether or not  timely filed, in the Chapter 11 Cases, or any such Claim that has been asserted against the  Settlement Trust), including any proportionate or allocable share of liability based thereon. Abuse  Claims include any Future Abuse Claims, any Indirect Abuse Claims, any Opt-Out Chartered  Organization Abuse Claim and any other Claim that is attributable to, arises from, is based upon,  relates to, or results from, alleged Scouting- related Abuse regardless of whether, as of the Petition  Date, such Claim was barred by any applicable statute of limitations. For the avoidance of doubt,  (i) a Claim alleging Abuse shall not be an “Abuse Claim” against a Protected Party, Limited  Protected Party, or Opt-Out Chartered Organization or any of their respective Representatives if  such Claim is unrelated to Scouting (except as provided in (iii) below, including the portion of any  Mixed Claim that is unrelated to Scouting); (ii) a Claim alleging Abuse shall be an “Abuse Claim”  against a Protected Party, Limited Protected Party, or Opt-Out Chartered Organization or any of  their respective Representatives (in their capacity as such) if such Claim is related to Scouting  (including the portion of any Mixed Claim that is related to Scouting); (iii) any portion of a Mixed  Claim alleging Abuse involving the Debtors, Reorganized BSA, Non-Debtor Entities, Local  Councils, or their respective Representatives (in their capacities as such) is necessarily Scouting related and shall be considered an Abuse Claim; and (iv) any Claim against the Debtors, Reorganized BSA, Non- Debtor Entities, Local Councils, or their respective Representatives (in  their capacities as such) alleging Abuse is necessarily Scouting-related and shall be considered an  Abuse Claim.

“Abuse Insurance Policies” means, collectively, the BSA Insurance Policies and the Local  Council Insurance Policies. Abuse Insurance Policies do not include Non-Abuse Insurance  Policies or Postpetition Insurance Policies.

Award” means the compensation a Claimant receives on behalf of the Claimant’s Abuse Claim.  “Bankruptcy Court” means the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware,  having subject matter jurisdiction over the Chapter 11 Cases and, to the extent of any reference  withdrawal made under section 157(d) of title 28 of the United States Code, the District Court.

BSA Insurance Policies” means any and all known and unknown contracts, binders, certificates  or Insurance Policies currently or previously in effect at any time on or before the Petition Date  naming the Debtors, or either of them, or any predecessor, subsidiary, or past or present Affiliate  of the Debtors, as an insured (whether as the primary or an additional insured), or otherwise alleged  to afford the Debtors insurance coverage, upon which any claim could have been, has been, or may be made with respect to any Abuse Claim, including the policies listed on Schedule 2 to the Chapter 11 Plan. Notwithstanding the foregoing, BSA Insurance Policies shall not include: (a) any policy providing reinsurance to any Insurance Company; (b) any Non-Abuse  Insurance Policy; (c) any Local Council Insurance Policy; or (d) any Postpetition Insurance Policy.

Channeling Injunction” means the permanent injunction provided for in Article X.F of the Plan  with respect to (a) Abuse Claims against the Protected Parties, (b) Post-1975 Chartered  Organization Abuse Claims against the Limited Protected Parties, (c) Abuse Claims against the  Limited Protected Parties that are covered under any insurance policy issued by the Settling  Insurance Companies (as determined pursuant to Section X.F.3 of the Plan), and (d) Opt-Out  Chartered Organization Abuse Claims against the Opt-Out Chartered Organizations, to be issued  pursuant to the Confirmation Order.

Chapter 11 Cases” means the jointly administered cases under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy  Code commenced by the Debtors on the Petition Date in the Bankruptcy Court and currently styled  In re Boy Scouts of America and Delaware BSA, LLC, Bankruptcy Case No. 20-10343 (LSS)  (Jointly Administered).

Chapter 11 Plan” or “Plan” means the Third Modified Fifth Amended Chapter 11 Plan of  Reorganization (With Technical Modifications) for Boy Scouts of America and Delaware BSA,  LLC, filed September 6, 2022, in the Chapter 11 Cases (as the same may be amended or modified),  and confirmed by the Bankruptcy Court.

Chartered Organizations” means each and every civic, faith-based, educational or business  organization, governmental entity or organization, other entity or organization, or group of  individual citizens, in each case presently or formerly authorized by the BSA to operate, sponsor  or otherwise support one or more Scouting units.

Claimant” means the holder of a Abuse Claim who (i) timely submitted an Abuse Claim Proof  of Claim or Trust Claim Submission to the Settlement Trust, (ii) has had his or her Abuse Claim  channeled to the Trust for evaluation, resolution, and payment pursuant to the Plan and the  Channeling Injunction, and (iii) is signing and executing this Release (or on whose behalf this  Release is being signed and executed by a Legal Representative).

Confirmation Order” means the order of the Bankruptcy Court confirming the Plan pursuant to  section 1129 of the Bankruptcy Code, which shall be in form and substance acceptable to (a) the  Debtors, the Ad Hoc Committee, the Coalition, Tort Claimants’ Committee, the Future Claimants’  Representative, the Settling Insurance Companies (in accordance with their respective Insurance

Settlement Agreement), and the Contributing Chartered Organizations, and (b) the Creditors’ Committee and JPM in accordance with their respective consent rights under the  JPM / Creditors’ Committee Term Sheet, as incorporated by reference in Article I.D of the Chapter  11 Plan.

Contributing Chartered Organizations” means the current or former Chartered Organizations  listed on Exhibit D to the Plan and any Chartered Organization made a Protected Party under a  Post-Effective Date Chartered Organization Settlement approved by the Bankruptcy Court in  accordance with Article IV.J of the Plan. No Participating Chartered Organization shall be considered a Contributing Chartered Organization based solely on the Participating Chartered  Organization Insurance Assignment. Without limiting the foregoing, subject to Confirmation of  the Plan and approval of the United Methodist Settlement Agreement by an order of the  Bankruptcy Court (including in the Confirmation Order), the United Methodist Entities are  Contributing Chartered Organizations and shall be designated as such in the Confirmation Order  and the Affirmation Order. No Chartered Organization shall be a Contributing Chartered  Organization unless it agrees to provide the assignments and releases as set forth in Sections 9 and  10 of the Century and Chubb Companies Insurance Settlement Agreement .

Debtors” means Boy Scouts of America and Delaware BSA, LLC, the debtors and debtors-in possession in the Chapter 11 Cases.

Direct Abuse Claim” means an Abuse Claim that is not an Indirect Abuse Claim-i.e., is not a  liquidated or unliquidated Abuse Claim for contribution, indemnity, reimbursement, or  subrogation, whether contractual or implied by law (as those terms are defined by the applicable  non-bankruptcy law of the relevant jurisdiction), and any other derivative Abuse Claim of any kind  whatsoever, whether in the nature of or sounding in contract, tort, warranty or any other theory of  law or equity whatsoever, including any indemnification, reimbursement, hold- harmless or other  payment obligation provided for under any prepetition settlement, insurance policy, program  agreement or contract; provided, however, that any retrospective premiums and self-insured  retentions arising out of any Abuse Claims under the Abuse Insurance Policies shall not constitute  an Indirect Abuse Claim.

District Court” means the United States District Court for the District of Delaware, having  jurisdiction in the Chapter 11 Cases.

“Insurance Settlement Agreement” means (a) any settlement agreement entered into after the  Petition Date and before the Effective Date by and among (i) any Insurance Company, on the one  hand, and (ii) one or more of the Debtors’ and/or any other Protected Party or Limited Protected  Party, on the other hand, under which an Insurance Policy and/or the Debtors and/or other  Protected Parties’ or Limited Protected Parties’ rights thereunder with respect to Abuse Claims or  Non-Abuse Litigation Claims are, subject to Confirmation of the Plan and the entry of a Final  Order approving such settlement agreement (which order may be the Confirmation Order),  released; and (b) any Post-Effective Date Insurance Settlement entered into during the Insurance Settlement Period by and between (i) any Insurance Company, on the one hand, and

(ii) the Settlement Trustee (or the Settlement Trustee and any other Protected Party), on the other  hand, under which an Insurance Policy that is subject to the Insurance Assignment and/or the  Settlement Trustee’s and/or Protected Parties’ or Limited Protected Parties’ rights thereunder with  respect to Abuse Claims or Non-Abuse Litigation Claims are released. All Insurance Settlement  Agreements entered into before the Effective Date related to Specified Primary Insurance Policies  that release the applicable Insurance Company from liability arising from Non-Abuse Litigation  Claims must be acceptable to the Creditors’ Committee in accordance with the terms of the JPM  / Creditors’ Committee Term Sheet; provided, however, that with respect to proposed settlements  of any Specified Excess Insurance Policy entered into before the Effective Date, the Creditors’  Committee shall have consultation rights.

Legal Representative” means a personal representative, guardian, conservator, parent (on behalf  of a minor), executor of an estate or a similar representative who has been appointed by a court or  has other legal authorization to file a proof of claim and/or an Abuse Claim and execute this  Release on behalf of the Claimant.

Limited Protected Parties” means the Participating Chartered Organizations and all of such  Persons’ Representatives when acting in such representative capacity; provided, however, that no  Perpetrator is or shall be a Limited Protected Party.

Local Councils” means, collectively, each and every current or former local council of the BSA,  including each and every current local council of the BSA as listed on Exhibit G to the Plan,  “supporting organizations” within the meaning of 26 U.S.C. § 509 with respect to any Local  Council, Scouting units (including “troops,” “dens,” “packs,” “posts,” “clubs,” “crews,” “ships,”  “tribes,” “labs,” “lodges,” “councils,” “districts,” “areas,” “regions,” and “territories”) associated  with any Local Council, and all Entities that hold, own, or operate any camp or other property that  is operated in the name of or for the benefit of any of the foregoing.

Local Council Insurance Policies” means any and all known and unknown contracts, binders,  certificates or insurance policies currently or previously in effect at any time on or before the  Petition Date naming the Local Councils, or any of them, or any predecessor, subsidiary, or past  or present Affiliate of any Local Council, as an insured (whether as the primary or an additional  insured), or otherwise alleged to afford any Local Council insurance coverage, upon which any  claim could have been, has been or may be made with respect to any Abuse Claim, including the  policies identified on Schedule 3 to the Chapter 11 Plan. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Local  Council Insurance Policies shall not include: (a) any policy providing reinsurance to any Settling  Insurance Company; (b) any Non-Abuse Insurance Policy; (c) any BSA Insurance Policy; or (d)  any Postpetition Insurance Policy.

Mixed Claim” means a claim that makes allegations of Abuse related to or arising from Scouting as well as Abuse that occurred prior to the Petition Date unrelated to or not arising from Scouting.  A claim shall not be treated as a Mixed Claim unless and until Scouting-related Abuse allegations  have been asserted through a Proof of Claim, the complaint, sworn discovery or testimony  (including by affidavit).

Non-BSA Sourced Assets” shall mean Settlement Trust Assets that represent assets received as  a result of or in connection with a global settlement between the Debtors or the Trust, on the one  hand, and a Chartered Organization that is or becomes a Protected Party, on the other hand, and  the proceeds of such assets. For the avoidance of doubt, Non-BSA Sourced Assets shall not include  any assets received from the Debtors, the Local Councils, or any Settling Insurance Company.

Participating Chartered Organization” means a Chartered Organization (other than a  Contributing Chartered Organization, including the United Methodist Entities) that does not (a)  object to confirmation of the Plan or (b) inform Debtors’ counsel in writing on or before the  confirmation objection deadline that it does not wish to make the Participating Chartered  Organization Insurance Assignment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to any Chartered Organization that is a debtor in bankruptcy as of the Confirmation Date, such Chartered  Organization shall be a Participating Chartered Organization only if it advises Debtors’ counsel  in writing that it wishes to make the Participating Chartered Organization Insurance Assignment,  and, for the avoidance of doubt, absent such written advisement, none of such Chartered  Organization’s rights to or under the Abuse Insurance Policies shall be subject to the Participating  Chartered Organization Insurance Assignment. A list of Chartered Organizations that are debtors  in bankruptcy and may not be Participating Chartered Organizations is attached as Exhibit K to  the Plan. For the avoidance of doubt, any Chartered Organization that is a member of an ad hoc  group or committee that objects to the confirmation of the Plan shall not be a Participating  Chartered Organization.

Perpetrator” means any individual who personally committed or is alleged to have personally  committed an act of Abuse that forms the basis for an Abuse Claim; provided for the avoidance of  doubt that the term “Perpetrator” shall only include natural persons and not The Church of Jesus  Christ of Latter-day Saints, a Utah corporation sole. The term “Perpetrator” does not include any  individual who did not personally commit or is not alleged to have personally committed an act of  Abuse that forms the basis for an Abuse Claim, against whom an Abuse Claim is nevertheless  asserted or may be asserted, including by virtue of such individual’s position or service as an  employee or volunteer of the Debtors or as a Scout participant, or by virtue of such individual’s  position or service as an employee or volunteer of a Local Council or a Chartered Organization or  as a Scout participant.

Protected Parties” means the following Persons: (a) the Debtors; (b) Reorganized BSA; (c) the  Related Non-Debtor Entities; (d) the Local Councils; (e) the Contributing Chartered  Organizations; (f) the Settling Insurance Companies; and (g) all of such Persons’ Representatives;  provided, however, that no Perpetrator is or shall be a Protected Party. Notwithstanding the  foregoing, a Contributing Chartered Organization shall be a Protected Party with respect to Abuse  Claims only as set forth in the definition of “Abuse Claim.”

Release Date” means the later of (1) the date of execution hereof or (2) the date of (i) a “Final  Determination” of my Abuse Claim under the TDP or (ii) the fixing of the liability amount for  my Abuse Claim under the TDP, provided, however, the Release Date as to Contributing Chartered  Organizations and their related Released Parties shall be the later of the date of execution or the  date they become a Contributing Chartered Organization.

“Released Parties” means the Trust, the Trustee, the STAC, the FCR, the Claims Administrators,  the Protected Parties, the Contributing Chartered Organizations (including any Chartered  Organization that becomes a Contributing Chartered Organization as of such date after the  execution of this Release), Participating Chartered Organizations with respect to Post-1975  Chartered Organization Claims and Abuse Claims covered under insurance policies issued by  Settling Insurance Companies, Opt-Out Chartered Organizations with respect to Abuse Claims  covered under insurance policies issued by Settling Insurance Companies, and each of their  respective predecessors, successors, assigns, assignors, representatives, members, officers,

employees, agents, consultants, lawyers, advisors, professionals, trustees, insurers, beneficiaries,  administrators, and any natural, legal, or juridical person or entity acting on behalf of or having liability in respect of the Trust, the Trustee, the STAC, the FCR, the Claims Administrators, the  Protected Parties, or the Contributing Chartered Organizations.

Scouting-related” means anything that is attributable to, arises from, is based upon, results from,  or relates to, in whole or in part, directly, indirectly, or derivatively, Scouting.

Settling Insurance Company” means any Insurance Company that contributes funds, proceeds  or other consideration to or for the benefit of the Settlement Trust pursuant to an Insurance  Settlement Agreement that is approved by (a) an order of the Bankruptcy Court (including the  Confirmation Order) and is designated as a Settling Insurance Company in the Confirmation Order  or the Affirmation Order or (b) the Settlement Trust. Without limiting the foregoing, subject to  Confirmation of the Plan and approval of the applicable Insurance Settlement Agreement by an  order or orders of the Bankruptcy Court (including in the Confirmation Order), Century, the Chubb  Companies, Clarendon, the Hartford Protected Parties, the Zurich Affiliated Insurers and the  Zurich Insurers are each Settling Insurance Companies and shall be designated as such in the  Confirmation Order and the Affirmation Order.

STAC” means the Settlement Trust Advisory Committee appointed to oversee the Trust in  accordance with the Chapter 11 Plan and the Trust Agreement.

TDP” means the Boy Scouts of America Trust Distribution Procedures for Abuse Claims,  substantially in the form attached as Exhibit A to the Chapter 11 Plan and filed in the Chapter 11  Cases on September 6, 2022, as may be amended and supplemented thereafter from time to time.

Trust Agreement” means the Settlement Trust Agreement dated as of the Effective Date,  substantially in the form attached to the Chapter 11 Plan as Exhibit B, as the same may be amended  or modified from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof.

Trustee” means Hon. Barbara J. Houser (Ret.) or any other person appointed to serve as trustee  under and in accordance with the Trust Agreement.