The Boy Scouts of America Bankruptcy was Conducted to Defraud the Victims of CSA

Protected Parties or Limited Protected Parties statement. Pg 4 of 5,447.

As a Pro Se litigant, victim of CSA by a BSA leader, participant in this fake Bankruptcy proceding as a creditor with two claim numbers, and someone who gets jailed unlawfully often for standing up for our rights, I have witnessed several disgraceful tactics by the insurance cartel and documented their fraud. Creditors who are … Read more

Only One Boy Scouts of America Leader has Cleared Their Name from False Allegations of CSA

San Antonio Scout leader Bill McCalister wrongfully accused of sexual abuse gets his day in court

The first reaction to this story from the San Antonio News Express was gratitude that someone who is falsely accused of horrible crimes against children is getting their name cleared. It is about time that this happened and was made public. Just like most of this Bankruptcy proceeding this news was a punch to the … Read more

Queer Group to Purchase Former Boy Scout Camp in Vermont

OutRight purchasing former Boy Scout Camp in Vermont

Campers on Sunrise Lake in Orwell could soon be donning rainbow patches instead of merit badges. Outright Vermont, a statewide nonprofit that supports young LGBTQ+ people, announced earlier this week that it is pursuing the purchase of Camp Sunrise, a 146-acre lakefront property in Addison and Rutland counties currently owned by the Green Mountain Council … Read more

Boy Scouts of America Bankruptcy Trust and Reorganization Plan – Town Hall Update

Project Completion Depression

This is a personal summary of the video of the Town Hall hosted by the Trust on November 1, 2023,  transcribed by a Pro Se claimant, and creditor in suit who also used to be a BSA Troop’s scribe. Nothing presented on this page is Legal Advice, AND YOU SHOULD CONSULT YOUR COUNSEL FOR ANY … Read more

7,766 Ineligible Volunteers List Released to the Trust in the BSA Bankruptcy

BSA releases new files to Trust in BSA Bankruptcy

As a creditor in this Bankruptcy case, whom is Pro Se, it is daunting keeping up with the amount of obstacles that are in place to get justice for the victims of Boy Scout Leadership Abuse over the years. The Insurance Companies have obstructed Justice, and advised the Boy Scouts of America to commit felonies … Read more

Halting the Boy Scouts of America Bankruptcy Payout Procedure in Controversy

Boy Scouts abuse settlement shouldn't wait on US Supreme Court's Purdue appeal - judge

Oct 3 (Reuters) – A U.S. judge on Tuesday declined to stop the Boy Scouts of America’s $2.46 billion abuse settlement from moving forward, rejecting calls to put the deal on hold. The Boy Scouts of America’s settlement, meant to compensate more than 80,000 men who said they were abused as children by troop leaders, … Read more

Trustee Houser Files Bad Faith and Breach of Contract Suits against 192 Insurance Companies

BSA Bankruptcy Trust Trustee Houser Sues Insurance Companies for Bad Faith

What You Need to Know The Boys Scouts of America Settlement Trust trustee is suing more than 90 insurance companies for bad faith, breach of contract. The suit filed in the Northern District of Texas is to enforce solvency of the trust for future distributions to sex abuse victims. The insurance companies contested the plan … Read more

Boy Scouts Of America Policy to Send Incident Reports Taking Place in Local Area Councils to BSA Headquarters

Docket Location for Motion to Compel

“C. Abuse Claims Against COLC (17, 25, 27, 30-33, 42, 44) COLC has advised Century that COLC does not have internal documents concerning specific abuse claims. Pursuant to the BSA’s long-standing policy, such documents, including incident reports, to the extent they existed, were delivered to the BSA and copies were not retained. Notably, however, the … Read more

Boy Scout Master | Grooms Scouts to Commit Murder of Scouts Family to Hide His Perversion

Scout Master Grooms Scout to Commit Murder of Scouts Family

This is a horrible situation that could have been avoided had the Boy Scouts of America organization taken Scout safety more seriously. Being Ineligible as a Scout Master should keep that person from future Scouting events, but this offender kept going to National Jamboree in Philmont under the abused Scout’s Fathers name. Then that Scout … Read more

$1,000,000 questions | Pro Se Questions to the Boy Scout Bankruptcy Reorganization Trust Trustee

American International Group

Hon. Barbara J. Houser (Ret.) Trustee, I am a claim holder #__________, and have tried to seek proper representation during the reorganization plan over the last 3 years, with my case being brokered along the way, all in response to a facebook advertisement. Also, I had asked my former attorney for clarification on the verification … Read more