The Boy Scouts of America Bankruptcy was Conducted to Defraud the Victims of CSA

Protected Parties or Limited Protected Parties statement. Pg 4 of 5,447.

As a Pro Se litigant, victim of CSA by a BSA leader, participant in this fake Bankruptcy proceding as a creditor with two claim numbers, and someone who gets jailed unlawfully often for standing up for our rights, I have witnessed several disgraceful tactics by the insurance cartel and documented their fraud. Creditors who are … Read more

$1,000,000 questions | Pro Se Questions to the Boy Scout Bankruptcy Reorganization Trust Trustee

American International Group

Hon. Barbara J. Houser (Ret.) Trustee, I am a claim holder #__________, and have tried to seek proper representation during the reorganization plan over the last 3 years, with my case being brokered along the way, all in response to a facebook advertisement. Also, I had asked my former attorney for clarification on the verification … Read more