The Boy Scouts of America Bankruptcy was Conducted to Defraud the Victims of CSA

Protected Parties or Limited Protected Parties statement. Pg 4 of 5,447.

As a Pro Se litigant, victim of CSA by a BSA leader, participant in this fake Bankruptcy proceding as a creditor with two claim numbers, and someone who gets jailed unlawfully often for standing up for our rights, I have witnessed several disgraceful tactics by the insurance cartel and documented their fraud. Creditors who are … Read more

$1,000,000 questions | Pro Se Questions to the Boy Scout Bankruptcy Reorganization Trust Trustee

American International Group

Hon. Barbara J. Houser (Ret.) Trustee, I am a claim holder #__________, and have tried to seek proper representation during the reorganization plan over the last 3 years, with my case being brokered along the way, all in response to a facebook advertisement. Also, I had asked my former attorney for clarification on the verification … Read more

Unanswered Questions to an Attorney

Weapons for Liberty BSA War Bond Poster

Now that we are at the brink of knowing what this proposed restructuring plan might look like, is there an appropriate time to ensure the issues of the victims are addressed properly, in a legal methodology in which to get issues on record for an appeal? Are appeals a thing in Bankruptcy Court? Would the … Read more